Subject-wise ranking of top 2% scientist from India all fields in chemistry

Top Chemistry Scientists in India: Top general chemistry scientists’ names and working institute and their great inventions. The first chemist Indian as selected Subject-wise complete Stanford top 2 % scientists list 2021 in the world. Female and male Indian chemist name with leading science institute in India. Indian scientists and their contribution are good as … Read more

Deadliest Chemicals In The World: Explained

Deadliest Chemicals In The World: Explained

This highly toxic, colorless, bitter alkaloid is used as a pesticide to kill small animals such as rats and birds. If inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the mouth or nose, muscular convulsions will take hold, followed by death through asphyxia. In fact, it produces some of the most dramatic and painful symptoms in our list, making it a popular choice for assassination attacks. It is also one of novelist Agatha Christie’s favorite murder methods. She often u